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Centre for Attention, Learning and Memory (CALM)

The Centre for Attention Learning and Memory (CALM) is a research clinic based at the MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge.

Research conducted in CALM adopts a transdiagnostic approach to understanding the cognitive, neural and genetic characteristics underpinning difficulties with learning and cognition in childhood.  To date, data has been collected across these levels from over 800 children referred by clinical and education professionals for difficulties in attention, learning and / memory, and from 200 children who form a comparison sample. We are currently completing a 3-5 year longitudinal follow-up of all 1000 children who attended the CALM clinic, and we are working towards making the cohort data a managed access resource for researchers worldwide.

CALM is a partnership between multiple research groups, and hundreds of families and clinical and educational specialists. Our group leader, Dr Joni Holmes, is the Head of CALM. Many of our group work in CALM and use the data in their research.

To find out more about CALM please visit:

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